- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- Please visit Yumeji's world, a "theme pa...
In the museum, you will find not only works and materials related to Ikaho and paintings of beautiful women, but also Yumeji's children's drawings ・, which convey his kindness ・, his strikingly innova...
(0279) 72-4788竹久夢二伊香保記念館
- Tanaka Tanaka Honke, one of the most pow...
The Tanaka family's grounds cover an area of approximately 3,000 tsubo (approximately 4,000 m2), with 20 storehouses surrounding a 100-meter square area. The Japanese garden, which changes its express...
(026) 248-8008Tanaka Honke
氏名 金子 利子(かねこ としこ)
年齢 79歳
身長 150センチくらい
体格 細身
頭髪 白髪交じり黒髪、天然パーマ
上衣 白地に青色のひし形模様の浴衣
下衣 同上
履物 下駄もしくはスリッパ